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Discount Deal

25 Aug

WHERE: The Red Hen

WHEN: Saturdays 9:30 – 11:00 PM

WHAT: $22 gets you your pick of crostini, pasta AND a glass of wine

This is the first installment of my discount deals report. My public sector salary doesn’t exactly allow me to eat out at fancy places every night but I love the restaurant scene so I’m always looking for a good deal. I want to share the wealth (or lack thereof in this case) with you so any time I find out about a great deal I’m going to let you know about it. I have yet to try the Red Hen but it’s gotten a lot of love from critics and my dad who can quite literally be one tough customer. I’m definitely going to try it ASAP and all you night owls (I sense a bird theme) should too.

The Red Hen

1822 1st Street NW

Washington, DC 20001